2024 Waterjet Asian Championships Rd 1 – Osaka, Japan
On June 6th the Asian Watercross Championship officially opened at Nishikinohama Park, Osaka, Japan. More than 200 riders from 17 countries were competing for this first time in Japan.

The group of racers was top-notch, with several world champion racers heading to Japan for this world class jet ski racing event.
Kevin Reiterer, a world champion Pro Ski GP racer from Austria, headlined the list of international talent on display. Other international world champions featured were Mohammad Albaz and Mohammed Burbeyea from Kuwait. These elite racers showcasing the latest racing gear and technology from Jetpilot.

This racing event aligns with the Jet Ski World Series by being Round 1 of a 2 round Continental Championship. The 2nd Round of the Asian Championships to coincide with the final round of the Jet Ski World Series in Thailand in December.
The racing was exciting and fast with riders demonstrating their exceptional control and skill in some challenging conditions.

The live stream had many exciting moments of close racing and furious finishes. Toshi Ohara (Japan) won in GP Pro Ski and Mohammad Albaz (Kuwait) was the champion in GP Pro Runabout. Congratulations to Japanese rider Mami Kaneko for her win in Ladies Pro Ski GP.

The upcoming major international race event is the UIM Aquabike in Olbia, Italy on June 21st.