Here at Jetpilot, we understand a good amount of our community are tradies. They're our friends, our family, our people. And as Aussies, we get that sometimes our societal norms have made talking about your thoughts and feelings like taboo.
"Tradies are perceived as knockabout characters, people who are bulletproof and immune to mental health challenges, but behind that toolbelt they are real people going through the same things as the rest of us, “I know this first hand because I was a tradie. With the motto “Tool's Down Talk Up” it opens up the power of conversation to add another tool to their belt." Casey Lyons, LIVIN CEO said.
Casey said the funds from the Jetpilot collaboration will go directly to the LIVINWELL in Schools’ Program. School children from around Australia can undertake the 45 minute mental health education LIVINWELL program for FREE encouraging participants that ‘it ain’t weak to speak’.
“Unlike a visible injury, like a broken arm, a mental health problem can go unnoticed and you need to look beneath the surface to find that problem. Knowing how to initiate these conversations is just as important as a workplace health and safety brief,” Dan Binskin, Jetpilot National Sales Manager said.

Amy Walsh, Marketing Manager from WorkwearHub said “the seminar is fantastic, it really opens your eyes to things you might never really think about, and it definitely gave us all somethings to think about”.
The LIVIN x Jetpilot Tools Down, Talk Up tee is $49.95 and available exclusively at WorkwearHub with an extended range including shorts at Each purchase allows a school aged student to attend a LIVINWell program.
Watch behind the scenes of our collab and LIVINWELL In Work seminar, one of the free seminars offering skills and resources around suicide prevention as well as LIVINWell in School and LIVINWell in Sport/Community.
Join us in wearing your tee with pride and remember, it ain’t weak to speak.
#toolsdowntalkup #itaintweaktospeak