If you don't personally know Alex just know that he is one beautifully cool human being. He has a whole lot of substance behind the scenes of his stylish riding. Seriously, go check out some of his clips (@alexgraydon) & his photos too (@darkgrayphoto). They are pretty nice for your eyeballs.
A lot more can be said about Alex – which we will leave for another time as I prefer my blog posts like my current trips to the supermarket – short…
Anyway and without further adieu here is a quick Q & A with Alex.
2: Some type of board (excluding longboards, boogie boards or anything electrical)
3: Multitool / Pocket Knife
4: Toothbrush (pretty obvious)
5: Good Company
A. Post Coronavirus:
1: Fully Automatic M16 with lots of ammo
2: Enough toilet paper to get through a nuclear winter
3: Hazmat Suit
4: Toothbrush (clean teeth are still important)
5: No Company (every man for themselves)
2 - What is your most played song right now?

Or Twilight. I can’t remember. Let’s go with Twilight.